Category: Communication


Game Mechanics are Your New Best Friend

What if I told you that anything can be a game? Whether you’re a CEO, a parent, or a teacher, adding an element of play can transform how you lead and manage others. It’s more than just adding fun—play invites creativity, engagement, and collaboration, all of which are essential in making tasks easier and more enjoyable. The secret lies in tapping into game mechanics.

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How to Cultivate Curiosity in Four Easy Steps

There have been a recent slew of books and articles written about connection and conversation. It appears that everyone has finally realized that the damage from this combination of the massive rise of social media and our isolation because of a global pandemic might have affected our ability to talk to each other. We are, as a species, designed to be in community with each other, which does require, to quote the Irish, a bit of “the gift of the gab.”

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Our Senses Connect Us to IRL

Our systems are designed to experience the world through a multi-sensory experience. But, in our current crazy world, our ancient minds don’t actually know how to understand what is happening.

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Build Your Tolerance for Creative Risk

Creativity always involves risk. At some point, you have to take the leap and trust that things will work out. Most of us aren’t naturally inclined to enjoy risk; it feels scary and unpredictable. We like to be in control, but creativity requires stepping into the unknown.

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How to Present With More Personality

You don’t have to be anyone else to become a great communicator, presenter, or leader. If you want to effectively connect with an audience, you simply need to amplify the best parts of who you are.

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Love is the Ultimate Creative Act

Love is in the air. It’s February! It’s easy to think that the opportunity for creativity around Valentine’s Day is in crafting cards, making homemade valentines cookies or planning the ultimate date night. But, what

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Cultivating Creative Traits

I recently was asked, “How can I improve creativity in my life if I’m not an artist.” I was delighted by this question because the reality is that most of the time when we are

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The River of Life

How is the river of your life journey moving right now?   Is it flowing, rushing, babbling, churning, roaring, raging, tumbling? Or maybe its meandering?  When you look at a river, you see the ebbs and

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